Smarter. Sharper. Together.
Transforming our Organisations
* Are you a leader, manager or coach implementing change, introducing new ways of working, or seeking to ignite engagement and innovation?
* Are you striving to bring out the best in people in your organisation, but find that progress fades all too easily?
* Are you (or your client or organisation) struggling with all sorts of obstacles to change?
If so, our invitation-based approach may be able to boost your efforts. We support leaders, coaches and consultants implementing change or adopting a new system with a participatory process which brings out the best in people, engaging them to move forward constructively and enthusiastically.
Simple. Effective. Smart. Agile. Cost effective.
We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them - Albert Einstein
Caterfly's invitation-based transformation process reflects such a new level of organisational thinking, a more human-centered way of thinking about agility and change.
Our approach helps organisations develop enterprise agility, to evolve into an ongoing state of continuous self-rejuvenation ('autopoiesis'), autonomously adapting and responding to our volatile environment.
Change should be participatory and organic - the best results are always achieved when there is a common feeling of 'we did it together'.
We believe leading organisations of the future will be self-organising learning entities which are able to change and adapt by themselves organically. The art of holding space will be part of the mix enabling these new organisations to flourish. 'Holding space' is also a way for traditional organisations to transform into living network platforms for the future. Staff must be invited to co-create themselves the new workplaces they can be thrive in - our approach provides the right conditions which form part of the shared experience and shared learning that is pivotal for culture change to take sustainable roots!
Lao Tzu (604-531 BC)
Kaizen: 'A way of involving the whole workforce in continuous improvement, for a highly motivated workplace, delivering high quality for clients, and celebrating together'.
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